Gamepad Controls

Button P1 Function P2-P4 Function Note
Start Start/Pause Game Join/Exit Game Disconnecting a controller will also pause/exit game.
D-pad/Left Stick Move Move Move in one of eight directions.
A Type-A Freeze, Type-A Dodge, Choose Menu Option Type-A Freeze, Type-A Dodge, Choose Menu Option Freeze all opponents before time expires to win freezer mode. Dodge to avoid being frozen. Long-range freezing is more effective when freeze and dodge types are the same.
B Type-B Freeze, Type-B Dodge, Close Stats/Menu Type-B Freeze, Type-B Dodge, Close Stats/Menu Some menus, such as the first, cannot be closed. Type-B freeze and dodge moves become available in Match 6.
X Melt Melt Restore movement to a frozen melter.
LB (Left Bumper) Hold to Accelerate Hold to Accelerate Rapid direction changes at high speed can result in a temporary stop.
RB Call Menu Call Menu Used to view stats or restart.


Symbol Name Note
P1 Player 1 The player who starts the game.
RK Rank Ranks are gained every few levels.
LV Level Level reflects the average grade of all a player's graded stats.
ST Stamina Players with more stamina lose energy more slowly.
E Energy Energy is used for running, dodging, and freezing.
Spd Speed How fast the player can move and accelerate.
Bal Balance How well the player can avoid stopping when changing directions.
AcA Accuracy A How well the player can freeze an opponent using a type-A dodge.
AcB Accuracy B How well the player can freeze an opponent using a type-B dodge.
AvA Avoidance A How effective the player's type-A dodge is at avoiding a freeze attempt.
AvB Avoidance B How effective the player's type-B dodge is at avoiding a freeze attempt.
Grd Grade How advanced a player's graded stat is.
Exp Experience Gain 100 Exp to advance a stat to the next grade.
Val Value The current value of the stat.
Tags2D, gamepad, Local Co-Op
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsXbox controller
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 4